What happened to my JOY? From my childhood, to my teens and in to my late 20's I can remember feeling quite happy, satisfied and yes even joyous about life. As I've gotten older, taken on more responsibilities, and gone through some pretty major life altering events I've begun to feel the joy being sucked out of me. At times feeling unhappy and just plain ready to throw in the towel. Or as in the words of my recent devotional (and the reason why I am writing this to begin with) my tank has run dry! This is not to say that I have no reasons to be happy or that my life is so miserable that I can't face the world anymore, no I'm afraid it's that I have lost sight of whats truly important! It's not the overwhelming mess piling up on my countertops, it's not the Mount Westover pile of laundry blocking a clear path thru the laundry room, it's not the 3000 emails, or the never ending list of things I NEED to get too ASAP, no my friends it's the joy I get to see when I watch my children laugh and play, when I take the time to sit down with them and engage and savor every minute, or the swelling of pride in my heart when I see Christ growing in there hearts and minds. The sad fact is I've become too involved in my problems, or what I can't get done, what I haven't yet accomplished, the fact that I am not Susie Homemaker or "I have a plan" Paula! It's hard to admit that I may never be the person I WANT to be, but the important thing is, it's ok, as long as I am the me that God calls me to be!
So here begins my Journey! As I approach an upcoming birthday (WooHoo another year older) I realize that now is as good of time as any to start my Journey to a life with purpose, laughter, contentment, and most importantly JOY! Watch out world!
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